Republican Promises Made,
Promises Kept
Economy and Jobs
The Tax Cut and Jobs Act
6 Million New Jobs
Median household income hit the highest level ever recorded
Record Low Unemployment for all Americans
Lowest Unemployment for Blacks and Hispanics in decades
Almost $3.9 million people were lifted off food stamps in the first two years of the Trump administration
More than 500,000 Manufacturing Jobs Created
Building the Wall - $1.6 billion in Funding
Created Office of Victims of Immigration Crime Engagement (VOICE)
Cracking down on Sanctuary Cities.
Foreign Policy
Enforcing Fair and Reciprocal Trade
Building Confidence and Respect for America.
Reached agreement with Mexico and Canada for new agreements to replace NAFTA
Reached breakthrough agreement with the European Union to increase U.S. exports
Withdrew the United States from the job-killing Paris Climate Accord
National Security and Defense
Expanding and Modernizing Our Military
Established the Space Force as the Sixth Branch of the Armed Forces
Defeating ISIS and Terrorism
Eliminated 22 regulations for every new regulatory action
Saved $8.1 billion in net regulatory costs.
Health Care
Eliminated Obamacare Individual Mandate
Extended CHIP to FUND Health Care for 9 million children
Expanded Choices and Increasing Competition
Passed legislation that now holds VA caregivers accountable
Fully funded the VA Choice Program
Other resources:
Marc A. Thiessen, "The 10 best things Trump did in 2019," Washington Post, December 26, 2019.
Marc A. Thiessen, "The 10 best things Trump did in 2018," Washington Post, December 31, 2018.
Trump Administration Accomplishments As of September 2018, The White House.